A hopeless slave
By Elizabeth Swan on
I am dedicating this blog entry to my new scribe slave. A man who is so useless that I have named him Baldrick. However he can work to a deadline and his stories amuse me so I have added them to my written erotica collection on my Adult Work profile http://tinyurl.com/qfgja6m But why is he useless I hear you ask. The poor man is toiling away like some Dickensian character long into the night earning pennies for his Mistress. What an ungrateful lady I am! Well I shall tell you. You see before I discovered that Baldrick was handy with an ink well I would give him little tasks to do and he would have to send pictures as proof of their completion. And he would invariably fail. I mean, how difficult is it to find a tree, take all your clothes off and stand on one leg with your face chewing bark for 30 minutes? Then there was the time I told him to write a pamphlet Mary Wollstonecraft style about the Rights of a Dominatrix and to then display it prominently in his local town. Well can you believe it. When he sent the picture of the pamphlet it was languishing in his bloody flower beds! You can only imagine his suffering when he came to see me the following week. But every slave has a use. And we Mistresses WILL beat and humiliate you until we discover what it is.Elizabeth Swan