And the award for cretin with a computer goes to....
By Elizabeth Swan on
You know that feeling when you wake up and you are as pissed off as when you went to sleep the night before? Well today that's me. Last night started innocently enough. A two hour, fun CP and watersports session followed by a lovely dinner. I shouldn't have checked my emails but as he was in the restroom what was the harm...and then I saw it. An email that just had “Why?” in the subject heading. It was from somebody I had met a few times. Who I always had fun sessions with. And he was accusing me of writing to someone he knows and outing him. What the fuckety fuck? The email went on to call me unprofessional and ended with the warning about him taking steps. My client came back and could see I was no longer in fine fettle and I told him about the email. Luckily it was the end of the evening (as I was no longer my cheerful self) so he gave me a hug and we parted. But all evening I worried. I had responded immediately asking him to explain further. This morning I got a response. So somebody is pretending to be me on Facebook using the name Elizabeth Swanage. A page has been set up for the sole purpose of sending a message. They have contacted someone that my client (now ex client!) knows and said “if you want a Mistress contact me,” and then put a link to my site. Who would do such a thing? I can see why his kneejerk response was to write an angry email to me as it is a horrible thing to happen to him but why on earth would I send a message that damages my reputation and loses me a client? I think the reason I was so upset about it is that I have always kept other peoples confidences incredibly well. In regards my own life I am quite open and honest and the men that I have known for years know most things about me. But that's me. As for talking about other people my mouth is firmly closed. I mean for Christ sake I even kept my mouth shut years ago when the police wanted information about someone I knew. My silence got me into more trouble and I know the man in question wouldn't have done the same for me but that wasn't the point. Every time a newspaper story appears that a sex worker has sold it disgusts me to my core. How dare they? Families are destroyed, reputations are ruined and for what? A few thousand quid and the destruction of your own business? Whether this message was a malicious prank on him from someone who has had access to his computer or another professional who knows he sees me and wants to remove me from his life I guess we will never know. Guys, be careful of telling women which other professionals you see. An incident that springs to mind is of a woman who set up multiple accounts just so she could leave bad reviews for another woman. Unfortunately there are a few deeply insecure and unpleasant people in this business. Luckily they are the minority. Most are wonderful. Finally a message for the person pretending to be me. Life is so much more fulfilling and joyful if you are a nice person. Why don't you try it?Elizabeth Swan