Elizabeth Swan

Goodwill to all slaves...well most of them anyway.

By Elizabeth Swan on

Last week I was taken to the Royal Opera House by a slave I have known for a long time to watch Der Rosenkavalier. God it was good. Opera is something I have only discovered in the last few years. If it wasn't for my domination job I probably never would have. I believe our interests can become rigidly fixed and only with the introduction of new people from different backgrounds that we discover new things. And you couldn’t possibly meet a wider group of people than in the land of domination. In the six or so years I have been domming I have been taken around the world, eaten in restaurants that I never would have dreamed of before but most importantly I have laughed a lot. Just yesterday I was doing a sexy tie and tease session and the slave was very close to the end. Now I like to play classical music during a session but since my CD player has broken and I am inept at technology (I mean what the hell IS a docking station?) I have been using the hotels wifi to play classical music through YouTube. However, with YouTube comes loud adverts and always at inopportune times. So beautiful Chopin was playing while he was reaching a wonderful climax and then a loud American woman asked us if we needed any help writing a letter. Not all of my domination work has been a merry jaunt through the park. I lost a few regular slaves for different reasons. Some for the most wonderful reasons, falling in love for example. Then there are the slaves that have experienced personal problems and they can't have me in their life anymore. I feel awful for them and hope that everything works out okay for them. I believe that kink is hardwired into our brain and there does need to be an outlet. But a man's priority should always be his home life. I am not the one that is going to bring you cups of tea and chicken soup if you are ill. I offer BDSM fantasy, and if you spent more than a few hours with me out of session most men realise that. One man once moaned to me (after he was talking very loudly at the theatre and I told him off) “You sound like my wife” He never saw me after that. His fantasy was over. Lastly there are the slaves I have blocked and won't see again. Whose behaviour has become so reprehensible that no amount of money will entice me back. Calling me late at night and early in the morning when I'm with my family. Haggling with me about money and then saying they haven't got enough to pay me. But they will give it me next time (In the meantime I'll pay my rent with dildos and champagne shall I?) So, gone. Out of my life. But you know what? Slaves are replaceable. And I won’t tolerate bad behaviour however rich you are. Yes I know that Dommes are replaceable too. I am not so arrogant to think that I myself can’t be replaced. But I will say one thing to the badly behaved slaves. Dommes talk to each other. I know, incredible isn't it?! So if you are slagging off my friend on social media, if you owe her money, if you have threatened her and then you start messaging me I do know to avoid you at all costs. As I refuse to end on a negative I would like to wish all my followers a happy New Year. Thank you for getting me up to 3000 followers. Amazing really considering some of my more angry blogs. To the Dommes and Escorts that I count as friends, to my slaves that give me such pleasure and amusement, have a wonderful New Year and see you on the other side. I have a feeling 2017 is going to be a great year! xxx

Elizabeth Swan

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