Elizabeth Swan

Just a thought.

By Elizabeth Swan on

As I was enjoying a roast dinner yesterday my work phone went. Which is obviously fine as clients can't be expected to know when I am eating/working/resting etc etc. What is not fine is when the gentleman said that he wanted to see me for my escort services. Which means one of three things. He has either A) not bothered to read my website B) has but is trying to wind me up or C) thinks he can talk me around. Now this happens maybe ten times a week and not with the same twonk. (tw** and plonker for those of you who don't know). Now let me make myself clear. I am not in any way opposed to the selling of sex but I choose not to offer it as a service. We as women should be able to choose what we do with our bodies and also by extension what we charge. I have lost count of the times I have seen on message boards 'so and so is too expensive' and 'so and so doesn't do this'. Well basically tough. You as the consumer have the right to see the professional or not and if you don't like what they offer/charge then don't book an appointment. I think the world is mad. If I said to most of my friends outside the industry that I was an escort a look of pity would be cast on most of their faces with the follow up comment of 'you don't have to do that, surely' This isn't conjecture. I have escort friends who have told me on numerous occasions that friendships have been lost because of honesty. But I tell people I'm a domme and a look of awe followed by "You get paid to beat people up?" And this brings me to my point of the world being mad. Escorts generally get paid to give pleasure. Dommes generally get paid to give pain. And which profession do the Honeyballs of this world attack? Quite frankly I think one should be offered on the NHS. And it aint my job!

Elizabeth Swan

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